The University of Texas at Dallas
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UT Dallas External Phone Calls

OIT is aware of an issue affecting some external calls to the University to be disconnected and is working with Microsoft for a solution. Calls to our Service Desk are functioning normally. We will provide additional details as they become available.

Digital Transformation

The Digital Transformation organization provides UTD with the enterprise applications that underpin most of the university’s most fundamental functions, including, for example:


  • Obtain access to the systems needed to function as students
  • Apply to the university
  • Check the status of financial aid and tuition payments
  • Enroll in classes, check grades and manage their academic progress
  • Attend online classes and communicate with professors


  • Create and upload course material
  • Manage their class rosters
  • Check the status of their schedule


  • Obtain access to the systems needed to function as faculty and staff​
  • Manage personal information (e.g., address, phone numbers, etc.)​
  • Access pay information​
  • Request vacation time and log sick and other absence time​
  • Archive documents and computer files for safe keeping​

Digital Transformation Departments

Digital Content Services

This department supports UTD’s enterprise content (document) management and workflow system. This system enables UTD organizations to create, route, store and retrieve document images and electronic files simply and to work with them efficiently.

Visit the Digital Content Services page for more information.

Financial Management Systems

This department supports the core business needs of the University through the development and maintenance of Gemini FMS, the financial management information system.

Visit the Financial Management systems page for more information.

Human Capital Management

This department supports the core business needs of the University workforce through the development and maintenance of Gemini HCM, the human resources information system.

Visit the Human Capital Management page for more information.

Identity Governance and Administration

This department supports technologies and business processes that provide a digital identity environment to enable access to UTD’s systems while maintaining the security and integrity of the university’s digital assets.

Visit the Identity Governance and Administration page for more information.

Learning Management Systems

This department supports technologies and business processes for the administration, documentation, analysis, reporting, automation and delivery of educational content.

Visit the Learning Management Systems page for more information.

Mobile Applications Development

This department develops, maintains, and supports mobile application for UTD. We develop and support the UTD Services app for campus, assist in the deployment of apps to the UT Dallas’ app store accounts with Apple and Google, develop mobile app solutions for campus like a customizable event app used by JSOM, ECS, Ackerman Center, and the UTD Institute for Excellence in Corporate Governance, and developed an inventory app for UTD Athletics.

Visit the Mobile Applications Development page for more information.

Student Information Systems

This department develops and supports the Oracle PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system, Orion, the system of record for all applicant and student records for the university.

Visit the Student Information Systems page for more information.

How to Submit a Work Request Ticket

All requests for modifications, changes to existing processes, or data feeds should be initiated with a JIRA Work Request Ticket. Upon submission of the ticket, the customer(s) will be contacted by an OIT staff member. The approval process for requests includes review and prioritization by the Digital Transformation Group.

Digital Transformation Work Intake Process

The UTD Digital Transformation team addresses two kinds of work: Problems/questions about the in production capabilities it currently supports and requests for new capabilities. Requests are assigned to someone who will address it as follows:

Production Support Requests

Automatically Assign

Assign the issues to the relevant “on-call” Digital Transformation staff person for issues coming either:

  • Directly from a faculty or staff person representing themselves or their organization
  • Another application such as a monitoring system

New Capabilities Requests

1. Obtain Needed Approvals

  • If the request needs review and/or approval by other UTD organizations before being completed, Dx will notify those organizations to do the review.
  • Once the approval is obtained, the request moves to the prioritization step.

2. Prioritize

  • Priority requests will come internally by Dx “User Groups”. Once prioritized, the request will be processed in the queue. if the requests is not prioritized by a “User Group”, the request moves ahead to assignment.
  • Priorities for some kinds of requests are established by the relevant “User Group”. Once such a request is assigned a priority, it moves ahead to the assignment step.
  • For other kinds of work, the request moves ahead to the assignment process without a priority. Dx makes a judgment of its importance in the assignment step.

3. Manually Assign

One of the following approaches is used to assign the issue to someone who will address it.

  • If the priority of the request exceeds current work, that request is assign to Dx staff​.
  • If an available Dx staff member is capable of handling that request, that request is assigned to that member.
  • If the priority or judged importance of the incoming request exceeds that of a request currently being worked on by a Dx staff person who is capable of handling the incoming request, it is assigned to that person and worked ahead of their current work.
  • If it is clear that a certain Dx staff member will take on the request in the near future, that request will be assigned to that member.
  • Otherwise the request is left unassigned until one of the preceding applies to it.